Is it a coincidence that National Hobby Month coincides with the New Year when everyone’s looking to better themselves and turn a new leaf? Not at all. If you’re looking to take up a few new hobbies or diversify your interests this year, we have plenty of ideas for experiences and ways to appreciate everything the area has to offer. If you’re committed to exploring your own backyard this year, give these activities a try. The only question is, what new tricks will you have up your sleeve in 2022?

Axe Throwing
If you need a new stress reliever for whatever reason (no judgement), why not give axe throwing a try? An official competition sport with leagues and tournaments, axe throwing, is much less barbaric and challenging than it sounds and totally newbie approved. The learning curve is slight, with something so satisfying about wielding bullseyes.

A different kind of stress reliever, birding is becoming one of the area’s fastest-growing attractions. Beaumont is located on two migratory flyways; you can see over 250 species year-round and even more during peak migration in spring and fall. We have free binoculars to borrow at the Cattail Marsh Wetlands Education Center and plenty of tips on how to get started here.

Fishing and Crabbing
With both freshwater and saltwater fishing available on the many bayous, lakes, rivers, and Gulf, casting a rod or reel is another of the area’s most popular pastimes to clear your head. Grab a pole and some bait and cast a line or give crabbing a try, which just requires a net and some chicken. Don’t know where to start or want to go off on your own? You can also charter a captain and boat to show you the ropes.

Golf / Disc Golf
The relatively flat landscape makes Texas a golfer’s paradise, especially in winter when the rest of the country is blanketed in snow. And now is the perfect time to practice your putting or short game before the inevitable summer humidity makes you want to hide out in the A/C. There are both public and private courses around town, but if a full 18 holes are too daunting, you could also practice your swing at 5Under or give disc golf (frisbee golf) a try – they’re also free to borrow from Cattail Marsh Wetlands Education Center!

If you love solving puzzles and playing games, geocaching will be right up your alley. Essentially a global scavenger hunt, containers called caches are hidden in plain sight right in your own backyard that you find via an app, GPS coordinates, and clues. Visit Beaumont will be launching an official city-wide geotour in the upcoming weeks, so keep an eye out for that to earn prizes and other fun goodies.

Horseback Riding
You may not be rodeo ready or fit into one of the Texas stereotypes just yet, but Tyrrell Park Stables can change that. With trail rides and lessons for all ages and abilities, cozying up to a trusty steed is a fun way to explore the area on four hooves as you bond with your steady stallion or go for a romp around the park.

Let us let you in on a little secret: hiking is just an intimidating word for walking. And with our mostly flat landscape, it’s more than accessible to everyone. Whether you stay in town for a quick stroll to stretch your legs at Folsom Hike and Bike Park or venture a little further to explore the Big Thicket Trails, it’s a great way to keep your mental and physical resolutions without committing to a gym.

MAKE Creative Space is the perfect outlet if you're looking to get hands on in the New Year and flex your creative muscle. From woodworking to painting they have a menu of crafts, classes, workshops, and drop-in studio time for adults and children alike. Plus, the splatter room is one of the most fun date nights in town -- check it out!

From the architectural gems downtown to the beauty and nature of the outdoors, Beaumont is a photographer's dream. If you're looking to improve your eye and step up your snaps, why not head to the Southeast Texas Selfie Museum for a variety of fun backdrops and settings? Grab a friend and take some new headshots or portraits to really start the year off right. And if you're looking for a little guidance? The Beaumont Camera Club is a great resource no matter what your skill level!