“Horses. Grandma. Horses. Can we pet them?” My two granddaughters were visiting with my daughter from out-of- town. My plan to take them to explore Cattail Marsh was delayed by the sight of horses being ridden in the corral and in the adjacent pasture at the Tyrrell Park Stables. Whoa.

We watched the riders for a while then drifted over to the stables. Stable managers, Rita and DeeAnn, met the excited girls and encouraged them to pet the noses of the gentle horses in the stalls. Some of the horses belong to the managers while others are boarded. We didn’t have time to schedule a ride, but as a Christmas surprise we returned later ready for the girls’ first trail ride.

Rita discussed safety and gave each a helmet. She showed them how to brush the horses and explained the process of saddling each of the horses. She gave the girls a lesson in reining and “go and whoa”. My daughter and I are more experienced riders, but neither of us have ridden in years. But like riding a bike, you don’t forget the basics. Rita led each girl’s horse to a mounting block and instructed her in mounting up. Once we were all set, Rita and DeeAnn mounted their horses to accompany us. Beaumont rains had made the wooded trails too muddy for safety so we enjoyed walking and trotting along the road. Rita taught the girls how to circle the trees by neck reining.
Our ride seem way too short but we were excited to learn that Tyrrell Park Stables schedules birthday parties, summer riding camps, and play days for riders. The stables may be contacted at tpsbmt@gmail.com, or 409 730-7073.
About the Author: Along with running the blog, Grandma's on the Go, Carol Weishampel holds a doctorate in education and is a retired teacher and administrator. She has published several novels and non-fiction books and is an exhibiting artist. She enjoys traveling to volunteer.